Join Our Community of Dzyn
Space Contributors

Graphic Designer


Graphic Designer
How it Works
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Frequently Asked Questions
Payment is made to your nominated bank account when your balance is over NZ$30. There is a NZ$3 processing fee and payments over $100 are sent without cost.
This will be explained on individual basis. Dzynspace has the right to refuse to accept any submitted item in its sole discretion.
Yes, you can use your own items in any template you make. Once you have added an item to a template and submit that for approval, then any User will be able to use that item if they purchase the template. A Contributor chooses if they a want to submit an item to the Image Library that is available separately to Users rather than as part of template that is made.
Yes, you can use and item that you have submitted to Dzynspace in your own marketing or portfolio. Dzynspace will also be marketing items submitted by Contributors which we will always reference back to the creator.
Dzyn Space is not an exclusive platform for Contributors. If a Contributor is contributing to other platforms they can also contribute to Dzyn Space.
In your Dashboard you can see when your design / Image is approved. If your design / Image is not approved you will receive notification through your dashboard with the reasons why.
In general we leave this to the discretion of the Contributor. From time to time will communicate with Contributors to update on the trends we are finding in the market and make suggestions for items you may which to submit.
All submitted items will be reviewed within 24 to 48 hours. If you have any specific questions you can also email us at