Become a Professional Graphic Designer

Are you an aspiring graphic designer wondering how to make the leap to becoming a professional? Are you feeling stuck because you don't have a degree in design? Don't worry. There are many alternative ways to become a professional graphic designer without going to a university, or taking an expensive 6-month long course.

True enough, the world of design is a competitive industry, and it can be difficult to break into without any formal training. Many people think that the only way to become a professional designer is to get some formal training, but this isn't the case. There are several alternative paths you can take that will give you the skills you need to succeed in the world of design.

This blog post will explore some of those ways and help you take the next step in your design career. So whether you're self-taught or looking for an alternative route to getting that degree, keep reading for some helpful tips.

Learn the basics of design by observing and studying other designers

Take some time to study other designers and see what they are doing. Learn about their process, how they approach projects, and so on. When you get stuck or feel uninspired, look at the works of others for guidance. Absorb their style and try to emulate it in your own work, or use it for inspiration. 

By learning from other people's designs you'll build up a little bank of knowledge that will help develop your own unique design style over time.

Find a mentor to provide guidance and advice for your work.

If you have a designer friend, ask them to provide some guidance and advice. Even if they haven’t gone through formal training themselves, most designers are always happy to help out others interested in design (after all, it's what we do). 

Whether through personal meetings, email, or social media, make sure you take advantage of any opportunities you can to learn from someone with more experience.

Join a professional organisation that supports your interests

You can make connections and learn about opportunities in the design industry by joining a professional organisation. There are many organisations and clubs for both amateur and professional designers to get involved with. 

Try Facebook groups for instance. There are hundreds of groups you can join where you can learn a thing or two about design and the opportunities it brings. In these groups, you can meet like-minded people and gain some contacts who might be able to help fast track your design career in the near future.

Get experience by working on projects with friends or family members 

Finding other people to help you build your portfolio is a great way to get experience quickly. If you've got friends who are amazing illustrators or coders, collaborate with them on projects that will allow you to put together something solid at the end of it. By learning new skills from other people, you'll be able to apply these techniques in future work and impress other clients as well.

If you don’t have a friend or family member with any design experience, experiment and try to dabble into designing what they need. Maybe they have an online store? Try making free posters for them, or show them your vision or rough sketch of a new logo. 

Attend workshops and online courses from professionals who can share their knowledge

Whether you're trying to learn how to use specific software or looking for advice on becoming a professional, some workshops and courses online can help you. You can even take things a step further by offering your services as a teacher's assistant, or interning in exchange for free training. 

These days, almost everything can be done remotely, so you needn’t worry about location anymore. 

Build positive feedback from clients who like your work

If you won an art/design competition, received fantastic comments about your poster design, or had someone approach you and ask if they could hire you as their designer, make sure you keep this information—screenshot it if you have to, or ask former clients to send you video testimonials. These will give your portfolio a boost and prove to potential employers that people already like what you're doing. It might seem basic, but you'd be surprised how much testimonials can open new opportunities for you. 

Build your own website or portfolio to show off your work

If there's one thing that will help you stand out as a designer, it's having a killer website or solid portfolio. It doesn't matter what you specialise in. As long as you're showing off your designs and illustrating your potential as a professional, people will take notice.

Practise until you perfect your craft using free online graphic design software like Dzyn Space.

The best way to become a professional is to practise, practise, practise! Many websites offer free graphic design software for you to use. Dzyn Space is one of those. We’ve built an innovative platform that will allow you to create your own work and publish it online. With this in mind, not only will you be able to build your portfolio, you'll also have an active online presence, but your work will be visible—possibly catching the attention of future clients. 


Learning graphic design is a long and expensive process (or at least, that’s what most people think). There are several ways to become a professional graphic designer without going to university or undergoing expensive training. One way is by constantly practising using free graphic design software like Dzyn Space and then building an impressive portfolio.

Dzyn Space is a free graphic design software based in NZ that enables you to design logos, create graphics, and more—without having to go through any of the hassles of getting your degree.

Create stunning graphic designs from the comfort of your own home without breaking the bank. Building a portfolio will allow you to sell yourself in order to get clients, and build more visibility around your brand. With Dzyn Space, it's never been easier to create beautiful designs with ease—no matter your current skill level. Even beginners can use it!

If you’ve ever wanted to be a freelance graphic designer, Dzyn Space is a great way to start. Sign-up for a free account today and don't hesitate to contact us for more queries.

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